After releasing their debut album, Scream From New York, NY earlier this year, Manhattan natives Been Stellar took to the stage at the iconic Brudenell Social Club on Monday night. After catching the band at Truck Festival and supporting Fontaines D.C. over in the USA, I was thrilled to finally witness a headline performance from the band showcasing tracks from both their recently released debut LP as well as old cuts from their self titled EP.
Opening with Scream from New York, NY’s title track, it’s clear to see why the venue is packed out on a bleak Monday night in November. Subtle drums and bass open up the show and before you know it, vocalist Sam Slocum along with the whole crowd are screaming lead line “Morning In America” repeatedly.
Manhattan Youth with its frantic drum opening, almost funky guitars and chanty chorus is always a highlight at a Been Stellar show, it’s no wonder it works a treat when convincing your friends how great they are.
Storming through album tracks Sweet, Pumpkin, Start Again and Takedown the band continue to showcase the moody yet melodic tones Been Stellar are known for. Each song performed more impressively than the last. All In One, reminiscent of Fontaines’ Too Real sends the crowd into a frenzy before the set reaches its all too soon conclusion.
Closing with I Have The Answer was undoubtedly the highlight of the show. After showcasing such a strong catalogue of both atmospheric soundscapes and catchy singles, it’s a tough job tying everything up. I Have The Answer does things perfectly. With its elongated guitar intro, drum and bass drop and lead vocals screaming with desperation, the whole room couldn’t help but sing along.
Keeping talk to a minimum, the band thank the Yorkshire crowd for coming out. Explaining they’ve been in Leeds a few times and that its an honour to play to so many people shows that this band are one of the hardest working in the world right now. Which leaves the same question on everyone’s minds, How are they not bigger?