It’s hard to photograph a gig when you’re sobbing.‘Anti-popstar’ Baby Queen has started her intimate Bedroom Sessionstour, and I was lucky enough to attend the Rough Trade Nottingham date. 
South-African singer/songwriter Bella Latham is releasing her sophomore album Quarter Life Crisis, and she has been kind enough to play stripped back versions of some of the songs from the album for her fans. This show was so incredibly intimate and emotional that I feel like I know Baby Queen more as a person; it has helped for her fans to realise that she, like everyone else, is human. 
Just her and her session ‘band’ Nathan on the stage, she explained the story behind each song, most of them about growing up, maturing and the struggles in relationships with people, bringing not only me, but a lot of the crowd to tears. 
Rough Trade was spot on with the signature Baby Queen pink colour in the lighting, making a comfortable intimate environment for the crowd, and Bella herself. There is such a high anticipation fort his album, and this has heightened the excitement toanother level.
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